259 research outputs found

    The Attentional Routing Circuit: Receptive Field Modulation Through Nonlinear Dendritic Interactions

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    We present a model of attentional routing called the Attentional Routing Circuit (ARC) that extends an existing model of spiking neurons with dendritic nonlinearities. Specifically, we employ the Poirazi et al. (2003) pyramidal neuron in a population coding framework. ARC demonstrates that the dendritic nonlinearities can be exploited to result in selective routing, with a decrease in the number of cells needed by a factor of ~5 as compared with a linear dendrite model.

Routing of attended information occurs through the modulation of feedforward visual signals by a cortical control signal specifying the location and size of the attended target. The model is fully specified in spiking single cells. Our approach differs from past work on shifter circuits by having more efficient control, and using a more biologically detailed substrate. Our approach differs from existing models that use gain fields by providing precise hypotheses about how the control signals are generated and distributed in a hierarchical model in spiking neurons. Further, the model accounts for numerous experimental findings regarding the timing, strength and extent of attentional modulation in ventral stream areas, and the perceived contrast enhancement of attended stimuli.

To further demonstrate the plausibility of ARC, it is applied to the attention experiments of Womelsdorf et al. (2008) and tested in detail. For the simulations, the model has only two free parameters that influence its ability to match the experimental data, and without fitting, we show that it can account for the experimental observations of changes in receptive field (RF) gain and position with attention in macaques. In sum, the model provides an explanation of RF modulation as well as testable predictions about nonlinear cortical dendrites and attentional changes of receptive field properties

    Selected studies on strains of Botrytis cinerea : a dissertation presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Science at Massey University

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    Some characteristics of benzimidazole and dicarboximide resistant and susceptible strains of Botrytis cinerea and the chemicals that control them were studied. Difference in sporulation or sclerotial production could be not be used to differentiate between fungicide resistant or susceptible strains. Generally, mycelial growth of dicarboximide low-level resistant strains was slower than that of susceptible strains on unamended malt extract agar and was considerably so on media amended with 0.68 M NaCl. No benzimidazole low-level resistance was detected in the benzimidazole susceptible strains tested. Fourteen strains of B. cinerea were screened for the ability to sporulate in the dark to assess the feasibility of using material which filtered Ultra-violet light as a glasshouse covering. Eleven of these strains sporulated in complete darkness. Chlozolinate showed a high degree of protectant and systemic activity against dicarboximide susceptible strains but was poor on low-level resistant strains. PP192 showed high protectant but no systemic activity on both susceptible and low-level resistant strains. Sub-lethal doses of vinclozolin and iprodione on plant surfaces were shown to stimulate the sporulation of B. cinerea from an inoculum source such as an agar plug

    Learning over time using a neuromorphic adaptive control algorithm for robotic arms

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    In this paper, we explore the ability of a robot arm to learn the underlying operation space defined by the positions (x, y, z) that the arm's end-effector can reach, including disturbances, by deploying and thoroughly evaluating a Spiking Neural Network SNN-based adaptive control algorithm. While traditional control algorithms for robotics have limitations in both adapting to new and dynamic environments, we show that the robot arm can learn the operational space and complete tasks faster over time. We also demonstrate that the adaptive robot control algorithm based on SNNs enables a fast response while maintaining energy efficiency. We obtained these results by performing an extensive search of the adaptive algorithm parameter space, and evaluating algorithm performance for different SNN network sizes, learning rates, dynamic robot arm trajectories, and response times. We show that the robot arm learns to complete tasks 15% faster in specific experiment scenarios such as scenarios with six or nine random target points

    Python Scripting in the Nengo Simulator

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    Nengo (http://nengo.ca) is an open-source neural simulator that has been greatly enhanced by the recent addition of a Python script interface. Nengo provides a wide range of features that are useful for physiological simulations, including unique features that facilitate development of population-coding models using the neural engineering framework (NEF). This framework uses information theory, signal processing, and control theory to formalize the development of large-scale neural circuit models. Notably, it can also be used to determine the synaptic weights that underlie observed network dynamics and transformations of represented variables. Nengo provides rich NEF support, and includes customizable models of spike generation, muscle dynamics, synaptic plasticity, and synaptic integration, as well as an intuitive graphical user interface. All aspects of Nengo models are accessible via the Python interface, allowing for programmatic creation of models, inspection and modification of neural parameters, and automation of model evaluation. Since Nengo combines Python and Java, it can also be integrated with any existing Java or 100% Python code libraries. Current work includes connecting neural models in Nengo with existing symbolic cognitive models, creating hybrid systems that combine detailed neural models of specific brain regions with higher-level models of remaining brain areas. Such hybrid models can provide (1) more realistic boundary conditions for the neural components, and (2) more realistic sub-components for the larger cognitive models

    A Neural Model for Insect Steering Applied to Olfaction and Path Integration

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    Many animal behaviors require orientation and steering with respect to the environment. For insects, a key brain area involved in spatial orientation and navigation is the central complex. Activity in this neural circuit has been shown to track the insect’s current heading relative to its environment and has also been proposed to be the substrate of path inte-gration. However, it remains unclear how the output of the central complex is integrated into motor commands. Central complex output neurons project to the lateral accessory lobes (LAL), from which descending neurons project to thoracic motor centers. Here, we present a computational model of a simple neural network that has been described anatomically and physiologically in the LALs of male silkworm moths, in the context of odor-mediated steering. We present and analyze two versions of this network, one rate based and one based on spiking neurons. The mod-eled network consists of an inhibitory local interneuron and a bistable descending neuron (flip-flop) that both receive input in the LAL. The flip-flop neuron projects onto neck motor neurons to induce steering. We show that this simple computational model not only replicates the basic parameters of male silkworm moth behavior in a simulated odor plume but can also take input from a computational model of path integration in the central complex and use it to steer back to a point of origin. Fur-thermore, we find that increasing the level of detail within the model im-proves the realism of the model’s behavior, leading to the emergence of looping behavior as an orientation strategy. Our results suggest that descending neurons originating in the LALs, such as flip-flop neurons, are sufficient to mediate multiple steering behaviors. This study is therefore a first step to close the gap between orientation circuits in the central complex and downstream motor centers

    Reservoir Memory Machines as Neural Computers

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    Differentiable neural computers extend artificial neural networks with an explicit memory without interference, thus enabling the model to perform classic computation tasks such as graph traversal. However, such models are difficult to train, requiring long training times and large datasets. In this work, we achieve some of the computational capabilities of differentiable neural computers with a model that can be trained very efficiently, namely an echo state network with an explicit memory without interference. This extension enables echo state networks to recognize all regular languages, including those that contractive echo state networks provably can not recognize. Further, we demonstrate experimentally that our model performs comparably to its fully-trained deep version on several typical benchmark tasks for differentiable neural computers.Comment: In print at the special issue 'New Frontiers in Extremely Efficient Reservoir Computing' of IEEE TNNL

    A functional spiking-neuron model of activity-silent working memory in humans based on calcium-mediated short-term synaptic plasticity

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    In this paper, we present a functional spiking-neuron model of human working memory (WM). This model combines neural firing for encoding of information with activity-silent maintenance. While it used to be widely assumed that information in WM is maintained through persistent recurrent activity, recent studies have shown that information can be maintained without persistent firing; instead, information can be stored in activity-silent states. A candidate mechanism underlying this type of storage is short-term synaptic plasticity (STSP), by which the strength of connections between neurons rapidly changes to encode new information. To demonstrate that STSP can lead to functional behavior, we integrated STSP by means of calcium-mediated synaptic facilitation in a large-scale spiking-neuron model and added a decision mechanism. The model was used to simulate a recent study that measured behavior and EEG activity of participants in three delayed-response tasks. In these tasks, one or two visual gratings had to be maintained in WM, and compared to subsequent probes. The original study demonstrated that WM contents and its priority status could be decoded from neural activity elicited by a task-irrelevant stimulus displayed during the activity-silent maintenance period. In support of our model, we show that it can perform these tasks, and that both its behavior as well as its neural representations are in agreement with the human data. We conclude that information in WM can be effectively maintained in activity-silent states by means of calcium-mediated STSP
